Subjective Macroeconomics
I wish to submit Subjective Macroeconomics to the ESSENTIAL and SEVERE CRITICAL in post of scientific rigor, derived from my previous works, all based on the foundations (and epistemology) of Carl Menger (1871), who did microeconomics in a macroeconomic framework.
That the subjective macroeconomics, underlying in Menger, was not made explicit beforehand was an enormous regression in economic theory, since the massive diffusion of the only and failed objective macroeconomics offered in the universities would have been avoided, as evidenced by stating: curves of supply and demand determine prices; S = I and IS-LM models; theory of two worlds to balance (monetary and real: Wicksell, Walras …); distribution theory Ua / Pa =… Un / Pa (from which the inconsistent “welfare theory” arises); assign temporary aspect to prices; Wicksell “virtual” currency; Misess ´”out of nowhere” currency; Hayek´s “triangle”; Mises regression theorem; quantity theory of currency; Say´s Law; Gresham´s Law; Pareto´s Law; Optimal of Pareto; aggregate demand (sub consumption); unemployment; “Monetary rule”; Phillips curve; interest theory (Böhm-Bawerk time preference, and natural versus monetary interest); currency theory; currency neutrality; credit theory; composition fallacy theory; absence of a theory of the economic unit of measure independent of currency theory; cycle theory; tax theory; dichotomy of prices; etc.
The failure in the prevailing economic theory is the origin of the nefarious economic institutions in force, making economic-social crises necessary and recurrent, which lead to economic inequitable, destroying and concentrating wealth.
The subjective macroeconomics proposed here, because they are statistical aggregates of the microeconomic measurements, already has the present temporality incorporated in what I have called the law of wealth and the law of exchange.
HAYEK WARNED THAT THE ECONOMIC THEORY WAS NOT CONSISTENT, my research allows me to conclude that Subjective Macroeconomics opens a path towards the scientific rigor that it claimed.